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密度梯度分离 > 即用型分离液

人  白细胞  外周血  

Leuko Spin Medium

品牌:pluriSelect Life Science点击下载说明书


60-00091-10100mL432  3243-4周左右
60-00091-11250mL888  6663-4周左右
60-00091-12500mL1560  11703-4周左右



Leuko Spin is a sterile, ready-to-use density medium for the isolation of all Leukocytes from fresh human peripheral blood or buffy coat with a high yield. Mononuclear and polymorphonuclear (multi-lobed nuclei) cells can be enriched by a single-step density gradient centrifugation with Leuko Spin Medium. Through combination with PBMC Spin in a double gradient centridugation it is possible to isolate and separate granulocytes and PBMCs in one step with high yield and purity. The enriched cells can be used for a wide range of downstream applications such as MACS (magnetic activated cell sorting, a trademark of Miltenyi Biotec GmbH) or stem cell research.


Separation scheme for Leukocyte enrichment with Leuko Spin Medium

At first carefully layer the sample material on top of the Leuko Spin Medium. Avoid a mixing of the two phases. Alternatively it’s possible to use pluriMate tubes. The barrier prevents the mixing of the two phases and enables to pour off the enriched cells after the first centrifugation step. After the density centrifugation step aspirate the upper layer (Plasma and dilution buffer). Then transfer the mononuclear and the polymorphonuclear cell layer to a new conical tube and wash the cells.